Saturday, November 30, 2019

On Miracles by David Hume Essay Example

On Miracles by David Hume Essay David Hume’s essay On Miracles is a strong refutation of supernatural phenomena, often linked to divine intervention. Hume states boldly that even religious events such as miracles should be judged on the basis of empirical evidence. He thus makes evidence the chief determinant of credibility. The credibility of a claimed miracle will increase in proportion to the reliability, method and number of witnesses. Hence Hume dismisses outright any kind of revelatory recounting of miracles. Take say, the example of the resurrection of Christ three days after his death. Though it is an important miracle in Christian theology, it fails the rigorous standards of empiricism that Hume mandates. We only have references to the event in the scriptures, the writing of which happened much later than the event – sometimes centuries later. On top of this, those who witnessed Christ’s resurrection were invariably the faithful, who wished that it were so. Moreover, even if a claimed miracle is attested by numerous witnesses, its veracity becomes dubious if a greater number testify the opposite. A major thrust of Hume’s thesis is that the burden of proof lies heavily upon those claiming miracles. Hume defines a miracle as that event which has defined laws of nature. As a consequence witnesses of miracles are required to bring high credibility to their evidence. But this is easier said than done, as there are inherent mitigating factors. Firstly, since an overwhelming majority of people are religiously inclined and have accepted miracles as acts of God, their psyche would lack the requisite scepticism and objectivity in evaluating a claimed miracle. Second, individuals do not merely perceive events through their senses but through the lens of their cognitive faculties. Our cognitive faculties are trained and cultivated through our education and exposure to various life experiences. Since there is a great deal of variability among humans in this regard, no two individuals would perceive an event in the same way. We will write a custom essay sample on On Miracles by David Hume specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on On Miracles by David Hume specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on On Miracles by David Hume specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Hume also articulates the ‘argument from miracles’. Since every religion claims its own set of miracles, the devotee to a religion believes in one set to the exclusion of the rest. The same is done by the practitioner of another religion. So, for a neutral observer, every miracle has more disbelievers than believers. This begs the question if there is an element of fanaticism behind these beliefs. In my view, if I have to pick one flaw in the essay, it would be the element of circularity in one of the arguments. Hume recognizes miracles as those events that are exceptions to the natural order. By requiring testimony of huge numbers of people separated in time and place, Hume somewhat pre-empts any potential claims of miracles. This is so because, historically, no miracle had ever been evidenced in such scale, and nor are they likely to happen in the future. Hence Hume’s imposition of enough satisfactory evidence to compensate for the highly exceptional of the miraculous event is a circular argument. On Miracles was published circa 1748. It was a key period in European history, as the hold of religious superstition was giving way to scientific understanding. Hume’s essay is an important contribution to the literature of the Enlightenment. Although there is deficit of terminology in some of Hume’s arguments, they largely remain meritorious. In the two and half centuries since Hume’s essay, philosophical vocabulary is considerably enhanced and can rearticulate Hume’s thesis with greater cogency. Interestingly, while belief in miracles is not as rampant today as it was in the early 18th century, a great portion of humanity still holds such views. Exposure to Hume’s rigorous tour of logic will help move them toward rationality. David Hume’s essay On Miracles is a strong refutation of supernatural phenomena, often linked to divine intervention. Hume states boldly that even religious events such as miracles should be judged on the basis of empirical evidence. He thus makes evidence the chief determinant of credibility. The credibility of a claimed miracle will increase in proportion to the reliability, method and number of witnesses. Hence Hume dismisses outright any kind of revelatory recounting of miracles. Take say, the example of the resurrection of Christ three days after his death. Though it is an important miracle in Christian theology, it fails the rigorous standards of empiricism that Hume mandates. We only have references to the event in the scriptures, the writing of which happened much later than the event – sometimes centuries later. On top of this, those who witnessed Christ’s resurrection were invariably the faithful, who wished that it were so. Moreover, even if a claimed miracle is .

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Incorporate These 15 Practices into Your Life to Find Success

Incorporate These 15 Practices into Your Life to Find Success We all have a tendency to stay close within our comfort zones. But what if the biggest growth potential and rewards are just beyond that zone? Or even way beyond it? Here are 15 ways to question your idea of what is normal, and how to expand both that concept and your comfort zone, and make a major difference in the course of your life.1. Question everythingTake nothing for granted. Be like the toddler always asking why. Keep searching for answers and examine norms from every angle. You never know what you might find.2. Be painfully honestBeing the most honest you have ever been is incredibly uncomfortable. It feels alien to tell 100% of the truth. If you’re burning to say something (good or bad) to someone in your life, you’ll never know the value that could be reached by saying it until you try. Start with a letter if the idea of a conversation freaks you out.3. MeditateEspecially when you’re busy, carving out time to sit and do nothing except breathing can mak e you feel insane. But the benefits far outweigh the perceived (negligible) costs. Sometimes, by stopping, you’ll greatly enhance your ability to keep going.4. Learn to be an early riserIt might sound awful, or you might not be a â€Å"morning person,† but imagine what you could get done if you got up extremely early, say 5am, when everyone else is asleep and you have the world to yourself. Begin your day in productive silence.5. Create thingsEveryone fancies themselves a creative person, but it’s so easy to choose Netflix and wine instead of a creative project when we come home from a long day. Persist and find yourself a creative outlet, then nurture it with diligence!6. Save your moneyStart keeping track of every penny you spend. Do this for a few months. Try paying for everything in cash, which will really drive home how much you’re spending. Once you cut the excess, you’ll be shocked at what you can save.7.  Give back to those in needVolunte ering can make you feel less self-centered, less hopeless, and like you’re part of something bigger. Don’t underestimate the value of community outreach.8. Maintain your fitnessKeep track of what you eat and what exercise you do. It may seem annoying and time-consuming, but it’s a great way to see the good vs. harm you’re doing to your body so you can make changes accordingly.9. Eat wellNutritious food helps you perform better. Limit your diet to food that has actual nutrition: lots of organic vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, etc. It’s better to be a weirdo about your food and to outshine the competition than to blend in at parties and be sluggish or unhealthy all your life.10.  Work on your speaking skillsPublic speaking is a daunting thing, but learning to do it adds an invaluable skill to your toolbox. Everyone is scared of it at first. Take small opportunities to cut your teeth and when you really need to stand up in front of a crowd, you’ll be ready.11. Talk to people who interest youIntrigued by someone? Strike up a conversation. What do you have to lose? Worst case scenario: rejection. Best case: a new friend! And rejection is a normal part of life, so there is nothing for you to fear.12. Put away your phoneTake a digital detox every now and then, let your mind wander and mull over projects and problems. Also, put it away in social settings. Constantly checking or looking things up is just plain rude.13. Focus your efforts on one thing at a timeDon’t try all the things at once. Pick one at a time and commit to mastering that thing. Once you’re there, feel free to pick another. The road to mastery is accomplished one task at a time. Intention and attention are important.14. Set scary goalsStretch your limits by setting goals you’re not sure you can reach. Pick something harder and scarier and more uncomfortable than you’ve ever done and give yourself a year to do it. This mig ht be as simple as attempting to run 7 miles when you’ve hardly ever run 1. But the experience of channeling your physical and mental reserves to get it done is almost always worth it.15. Get help if you need itTherapy might be the number one most uncomfortable thing to do. It’s an exhausting chore to examine your own biases, defenses, motivations, and those of the people in your life. But it always gets you closer to the truth. And can lead to all sorts of breakthroughs in the short and long term.

Friday, November 22, 2019

What Is the Cell Theory Why Is It Important

What Is the Cell Theory Why Is It Important SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re studying biology, you’ll likely learn about the cell theory. The cell theory is one of the most important tenets of biology, and practically everything else you learn in science class relates back to it. But what is the cell theory? In this guide, we’ll give you a clear cell theory definition, explain key datesin the history ofthis theory, and explain why it’s so important to understand. After reading this guide, you’ll know everything you need to know about the cell theory! Cell Theory Definition What is the cell theory? It has three main parts: 1. All living things are made up of cells. 2. Cells are the basic building blocks of life. 3. All cells come from preexisting cells created through the process of cell division. As science evolved, three more components were added to the theory. Some biology classes don’t require you to know these parts of the cell theory because they weren’t part of the original definition, but it’s still useful to be aware of them: 4. Energy flow occurs within cells. 5. Hereditary information is passed from cell to cell. 6. All cells have the same basic chemical composition. So what does the cell theory actually mean? Let’s break it down. The first part of the cell theory states that all living things are made up of cells. Anything that’s alive, from bacteria to plants to humans, is composed of cells. And what are cells? The literal definition is a cell is a group of organelles surrounded by a thin membrane. The cell theory definition states that cells are the building blocks of life. Cells both make up all living things and run the processes needed for life. Your hair, skin, organs, etc. are all made up of cells. In fact, each person is estimated to be made up of nearly 40 trillion cells! Each part of a cell has a different function, and your cells are responsible for taking in nutrients, turning nutrients into energy, removing waste, and more. Basically, everything your body does, it does because cells are directing the action! The third part of the cell theory definition states that all cells come from preexisting cells. This means that cells don’t just appear out of thin air (known as â€Å"spontaneous generation†). New cells are always made from current cells. This means that all current life on the planet is descended from the very first cells, which first made an appearance on Earth roughly 3.5 billion years ago. Cells have been replicating themselves continuously ever since. And what does the newer part of the cell theory state? Part four refers to the fact that, in all living cells, energy is continuously transformed from one type to another. Examples of these processes include photosynthesis (where plant cells convert light energy into chemical energy) and cellular respiration (where both plant and animal cells convert glucose into energy). Part five refers to DNA and the fact it is passed from parent cell to child cell. Finally, part six of the cell theory tells us that all cells are made up of the same chemicals: water, inorganic ions, and organic molecules. The History of the Cell Theory The cell theory and ideas about cells and living things evolved over several centuries. Here are the key dates for the cell theory: 1665: Robert Hooke is the first person to observe cells when he looks at a slice of cork in a microscope. 1665: Francesco Redi disproves spontaneous generation by showing maggots will only grow on uncovered meat, not meat enclosed in a jar. His work later contributes to part three of the cell theory. 1670s: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist, begins his work developing better microscopes that allow scientists to see cells and the organelles they contain more clearly. 1839: German scientists Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann describe the first two parts of the cell theory. Schleiden stated that all plants are made up of cells, while Schwann stated all animals are made up of cells. Schleiden and Schwann are generally credited as the developers of cell theory. 1855: Rudolf Virchow, another German scientist, describes the third part of cell theory, that all cells come from existing cells. Since then, microscopes have continued to become more and more refined, making it possible to study cells even more closely and allowing scientists to expand on the original cell theory. How Is the Cell Theory Important for Biology? You may be surprised by how obvious the cell theory seems. Anyone who’s taken a basic biology class already knows what cells are and that living things are made up of cells. However, that just goes to show how important the cell theory is. It’s one of the fundamental principles of biology, and it’s so important that it has become information many of us take for granted. Knowing that all living things are made up of cells allows us to understand how organisms are created, grow, and die.That informationhelps us understand how new life is created, why organisms take the form they do, how cancer spreads, how diseases can be managed, and more. Cells even help us understand fundamental issues such as life and death: an organism whose cells are living is considered alive, while one whose cells are dead is considered dead. Before the cell theory existed, people had a very different view of biology. Many believed in spontaneous generation, the idea that living organisms can arise from nonliving matter. An example of this would be a piece of rotten meat creating flies because flies often appear around rotten meat. Additionally, before cells and the cell theory were known, it wasn’t understood that humans, as well as all other living organisms, were made up of billions and trillions of tiny building blocks that controlled all our biological processes. Disease, how organisms grow, and death were much more of a mystery compared to what we know today. The cell theory fundamentally changed how we look at life. Summary: What Is the Cell Theory? The cell theory is one of the foundational theories of biology. It has three main components: 1. All living things are made up of cells. 2. Cells are the basic building blocks of life. 3. All cells come from preexisting cells created through the process of cell division. As our scientific knowledge has increased over time, additional parts have been added to the theory. Schleiden and Schwann, as well as Virchow, are generally seen as the founders of the cell theory, due to their pioneering scientific work in the 1800s. The cell theoryis important because it affects nearly every aspect of biology, from our understanding of life and death, to how we manage diseases, and more. What's Next? Are you learning abouttrig identities in your math classes?Learn all the trig identities that you must know by reading our guide! Are there other science topics you want to review? Then you're in luck!Our guides will teach you loads of useful topics, includinghow to convert Celsius to Fahrenheitandwhat the density of water is. What are the most important science classes to take in high school?Check out our guide to learn all the high school classes you should be taking.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Healthcare Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Healthcare Technology - Essay Example 2.0. Brief Overview of WH and its Technological Approaches With regard to the unconventional healthcare services, WH can be considered as one of the major and largest healthcare service providers across the UK and other geographical regions. Since the last four decades, the organisation has been recognised to play a dominant role in serving the UK and overseas clients through its unconventional strategies with expertise in neurosurgery, orthopaedics, gynaecology along with cardiac and neurological rehabilitation care facilities ([1]The Wellington Hospital, 2013). The intervention of computer system has also been widely observed to provide adequate support for WH to enhance its clinical services and ensure satisfaction from the clients. More significantly, the selection, implementation as well as adequate support of the healthcare informatics have been recently observed to play an essential role for the organization to intensify its success potentials. In relation to the present day c ontext, a range of technological attributes are likely to be selected in the WH settings in order to increase the efficiency and the accountability of its varied group of healthcare facilities. In order to inculcate this notion and mitigate the identified challenges in technology integration, the healthcare settings of WH have further been designed to provide adequate access to the patients in procuring quality based healthcare services ([1] The Wellington Hospital, 2013). 3.0. Technologies Used in the WH A successfully integrated technology framework is one of the major resources required in the management of contemporary healthcare organisations to build and maintain strong sustainability in the competitive market. It is in this context that recent studies have inferred that the... This paper stresses that the continuous integration as well as compliance with the advanced technological aspects tend to increase the efficiency of the medical services. In relation to the present technological development of the healthcare services delivered by WH, the integration of GP Liaison system, Telehealth facilities as well as MRI process can be recognised to play an essential role altogether enabling the organisation to provide appropriate diagnosis and treatment facilities to improve the critical health condition of the clients. This essay makes a conclusion that the integration of technological attributes has been identified to acquire a major attention by the healthcare practitioners. As identified in the above discussion, with regard to the valued contribution of technology, the GP Liaison services, telehealth facilities along with MRI imaging services altogether have been recognised to play an essential role for WH to enhance its varied range of medical services for the global clients. The technological attributes existing in these medical services sector ensures the deliverance of adequate benefits to the patients in terms of diagnosing and developing effective care facilities. It also ensures to convey or develop expertise treatment and diagnostic process to consult regarding any critical disease case. Conclusively, it can also be ascertained in this context that the patients of WH can avail various types of healthcare services with the help of technology based healthcare systems integrated in the oper ational system of the organisation.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Financial analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial analysis - Essay Example The succeeding years thereafter showed an optimistic trend implying an adjustment in the operating system. It can be noted that it was in late 2003 that Verizon innovation were observed immediately the year after as seen on the total net income of 2004. Assets over the five-year period remain at almost the same level while the total liabilities are decreasing, with a slight increase in 2005, suggesting a good overall trend. ratio by 2002 shows that the company has begun acquiring better investments and a considerable increase in earnings. Return on investment shows a positive trend over a five-year period with the same noted decrease in 2003 because of the transition in Verizon’s marketing strategy. 2005 was constant and remain within the normal range of 0.5 to 2.0 ( The low and steady current ratio proves a standard cash payment system since the company is service-oriented, with the consumers paying on a monthly basis (Rosenbush 58). Total debt/equity and long-term debt/capital ratios show that the company’s financial resources are stable and strong enough to pay both the short and long-term debts that it has incurred. The gradual decrease in both debt ratios also suggests that Verizon is able to manage the payment of its debts properly over the years, implying a steady growth in earnings during this period. Sprint Nextel Corp. and AT&T Inc. are some of Verizon’s competitors in the telecommunications industry (Rosenbush 58). Figure 2 presents a comparison of the profitability of Verizon against its competitors from 2001 to 2005. This shows that over a five-year period, Verizon has been competing with AT&T for the market shares. Sprint Nextel Corp. has negligible effect in terms of competitiveness with the other two companies. The graph suggests that Verizon was only able to out-run AT&T beginning on 2004. This

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Bullying speech Essay Example for Free

Bullying speech Essay What does it feel like to wake up in the morning and look forward to a day of teasing and name calling? What does it feel like to be engulfed in a world of negativity? Bullying Unwanted and aggressive behavior among school aged children involving real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying is no man’s best friend and it shouldn’t be. We see it all around us in our daily lives. All across the United States, this form of victimization has become an infamous trend among scholars. About 3 million out of America’s 21 million students are affected by bullying. That is about 1 student in every 7 students! Numerous people have different perspectives on what bullying is. Some think it means physical hurting while others think it is only emotional hurting. All of these are correct due to the fact that there are different ways one can be bullied. Bullying is unwanted and repeated behavior among students which includes Physical, Verbal, Indirect, social Alienation, Intimidation and Cyber Bullying. see more:speeches on bullying Physical bullying is a serious problem it is when one person or a group of people picks on or harasses another person in a face to face confrontational manner. Verbal bullying is the most common form but it is just as bad as the other types. It is when an individual uses verbal language (e.g., insults, teasing, etc.) to gain power over his or her peers. Social Alienation is one type of bullying whereby exclusion is occurring between students due to social differences. The devastating part about this form is that it is not easily recognized as a form of bullying. Intimidation is the acts of making someone feel fearful by using threats. Last but not least, Cyber bullying which happens when kids bully each other through electronic devices. Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet. With the increase in our use of technology, this form of bullying is increasing to higher rates. How can you stop this from happening? How can we put an end to bullying? It’s simple. The best way is NOT ignoring it whenever you see it going on. STEP UP! And be an advocate for your fellow peers that are hurting. Bulling is BAD! And it is up to YOU if you would let it happen when  you see it going on or stop it. experience

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Remote Network Administration for the Home and Small Office User :: Design and Technology

Remote Network Administration for the Home and Small Office User Remote network administration is a fast growing and widely used technology in the IT field today. It gives system and network administrators as well as home users the ability to fix problems, allow or deny access to websites, download information directly from another computer, and give program permissions for different users from the office that they are at or from anywhere in the world that has an internet connection. With this very powerful technology, come some very significant problems such as securing remote access sessions via data encryption, the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPN’s) and a vast amount of networking and connection problems that can occur. There are very useful tools and articles that have been written and programmed to help the network administrator or the savvy user that wants to connect to his computer at home. This paper will focus on network administration for small business and home users using a VPN, Remote Desktop Connection and Symantec’s PC Anywhere for Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Personal experience has shown that working remotely is very difficult to set up. This tends to discourage many users from using this kind of technology because it requires a large amount of know-how and patience. A SOHO user must have at least a basic knowledge about home and office networking. Microsoft has put together a wealth of information about not only their operating systems, but networking using windows as well. The Microsoft knowledge base is a fantastic source for information. It covers everything from error codes to troubleshooting internet connectivity problems. Microsoft TechNet ( ) is a collection of information about slightly older content. Lastly, the Microsoft Developers Network ( ) is a collection of articles, forums and journals straight from IT professionals that develop for windows applications. Almost any SOHO user can get the information that they need about any problem from these websites. XP Pro is now the industry standard for an operating system with advanced networking features. Working remotely for the SOHO user starts with the configuration of the network in the home or office. The small business users need to access all of their data at all times. This is most efficiently done by having all computers in the office connected to a central server, having the server host all of the other computers and have all of the computers connected via a workgroup. After that is accomplished, the SOHO user can then attempt to establish a connection remotely. A VPN is one of the most secure ways to connect to the home or small office to date.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Case Study-San Francisco Bay Consulting

Case 2: San Francisco Bay Consulting The problem in this case is the identification of the role of Computer Service and its relationship between it and other departments. The three solutions all have advantages and disadvantages. I think if we still keep the current system, the role of CS department remains unclear. If the staff are not clear about their role, they would behave nor too conservative nor too risky. So whey still lack can-do attitude on occasions, because they have no criteria in their mind to judge their action.However, if we make CS a profit center, and free the researcher from their ties to CS, new problems arise. As CS could set any prices it liked and change them as often as it liked, and researcher also are allowed to go outside and purchase the software and hardware they want, hopefully it can work like total competition market. But the CS firm has no difference between other hardware store provider outside. That is to say there is no need to build such an indepe ndent department inside the company.It is not performing its function and create value for the company. Besides it is a waste of time which actually decrease the efficiency of the whole company. For the third solution, running CS as an expense center says the total cost would be allocated to programs or groups in proportion to hours billed. I think this the cause for the potential of encouraging researcher to ignore the costs. Instead I think it is better for every individual of group assume the risk for purchasing new hardware and software.So in my opinion, I think every solution have its advantages and disadvantages. And it actually also depends on the environment and style of strategy. If the company is in a world developing fast, and the company is trying to expanding itself, it is better to make CS expense department, it can encourage the researcher to apply the newest technology and get advantage of it. However, if the economy is not good and demand is not strong, the company is trying deducting cost, I think it is better to stick to current system.To summarize, there is no perfect system here. It depends on the economic environment and the company’s strategy. Or I may come up with another solution, but I am not sure. How about just treat the CS department neutral. It is actually just the service department and provides computer service to the company. The risk or gain or loss totally belongs to every consultant in the group. The staffs in CS only get fixed salary and return of company stocks.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

In-Class Portion of Final Exam

IT630 – Computer Simulation & Modeling In-Class Portion of Final Exam (50 points) Dr. Seidman June 10, 2010 DIRECTIONS – READ THIS FIRST INTRODUCTION Exam is from 6:00 pm to 9:15 pm. Answer both questions. Total of 50 points. This is an open book, open notes, and open computers exam. This is an individual exam. No collaboration of any kind is permitted. No network connections until you post your answer files to Blackboard when you are done with the exam.You are on the honor system. You have your instructor’s implicit trust. But, you must still hear the consequences of any cheating: immediate failure of the course and a report to the School of Business Dean for possible expulsion from the university. DELIVERY OF ANSWER FILES Put all of your answer files into one folder named: yourNameIT630InClassFinalExam located on your computer desktop. Zip this file. Zip file name should be: yourNameIT630InClassFinalExam. Post to Bb Deliver Here in folder named: WEEK 11: IN-CL ASS PORTION OF FINAL EXAM.Check with instructor to see that zip file is posted correctly. After this, you may leave the exam room. QUESTIONS: If you have any questions during the exam – ask your instructor. DIRECTIONS – READ THIS FIRST INTRODUCTION Exam is from 6:00 pm to 9:15 pm. Answer both questions. Total of 50 points. This is an open book, open notes, and open computers exam. This is an individual exam. No collaboration of any kind is permitted. No network connections until you post your answer files to Blackboard when you are done with the exam. You are on the honor system. You have your instructor’s implicit trust.But, you must still hear the consequences of any cheating: immediate failure of the course and a report to the School of Business Dean for possible expulsion from the university. DELIVERY OF ANSWER FILES Put all of your answer files into one folder named: yourNameIT630InClassFinalExam located on your computer desktop. Zip this file. Zip file nam e should be: yourNameIT630InClassFinalExam. Post to Bb Deliver Here in folder named: WEEK 11: IN-CLASS PORTION OF FINAL EXAM. Check with instructor to see that zip file is posted correctly. After this, you may leave the exam room.QUESTIONS: If you have any questions during the exam – ask your instructor. Question #1 Airport Terminal Arena model (25 points total) PART I: BASE MODEL (10 points) Management wants to study Terminal #1 at a hub airport with an eventual eye toward improvement. The first step is to model it as it is (i. e. , BASE model) during the eight hours of the busiest part of a typical weekday. You will create an Arena model of the check-in and the security operations, only. Once passengers get through security they are on their way to their departure gate and leave the system.Passengers arrive one at a time through the front entrance from curbside ground transportation with interarrival times distributed Expo(0. 5) minutes. [All time units are in minutes. ] Of these arriving passengers, 33% go left to an old-fashioned manual check-in counter. And, 57% of the arriving passengers go right to a new automated check-in counter. These two types of passengers take no time to move from the front entrance to their check-in locations. The remaining 10% of arriving passengers do not need to check in at all and go directly from the front entrance to security.It takes these passengers Unif(3, 5) to move from the front entrance to security. There are two agents at the manual check-in station, fed by a single first-come-first-server queue. Manual check-in service times are Triangular(1, 2, 5). After manual check-in, it takes passengers Unif(2. 5, 6. 5) to walk to the security area. The automated check-in consists of two kiosks and is fed by a single first-come-first-server queue. Automated check-in times are Triangular(0. 5, 1, 1. 5). After checking in, these automated check-in passengers take Unif(1, 3) to walk to the security area.Notice that all typ es of passengers eventually go to the security area where there are 6 check-in pods fed by a single first-come-first-serve queue. Security check-in times are Triangular(1, 2, 6). This time covers the many security activities in a pod like: x-ray, metal detector, bag search, etc. Once through security, passengers head to their gates and leave the model. Simulate this system for 8 hours and 1 replication. The performance metric of interest is the average total time in the system of passengers (for all types combined).Place this average somewhere on the model in a text-box. Arena file name: YournameIT630Q1BASE. doe. Place file into folder: yourNameIT630InClassFinalExam. Warning: It is your responsibility to make sure that your files are present in your yourNameIT630InClassFinalExam folder and that they open properly. Question #1 (continued) PART II: ALTERNATIVE MODEL (5 points) In PART I, the airline noticed that a lot of people who opt for the manual check-in really don’t need the extra services there and could have used the automated check-in.Instead of the original 33% manual check-in and 57% automated check-in, suppose that the airline is able to encourage only 15% of the arriving passengers to go to the manual check-in and 70% to go to the automated check-in. The other 15% of the arriving passengers go right to security. Nothing else in the Part I model changes. * Revise your Part I Arena model to reflect these changes and name it YournameIT630Q1ALT. doe. Simulate this system for 8 hours and 1 replication. The performance metric of interest is the average total time in the system of passengers (for all types combined).Place this average somewhere on the model in a text-box. PART III: ARENA OUTPUT ANALYZER (10 points) You will need to run the both models for 100 replications. Using the Arena Output Analyzer, compare the average total time in the system of the BASE model against the ALT model to determine whether or not the changes you made actually mad e a statistically significant difference. Hint: Use the Statistics module. [You may want to turn off the animation to speed things up. Run/Run Control/Batch Run (no animation). ] Place a screen shot of the Output Analyzer comparison results on the YournameIT630Q1ALT. oe model. In a text-box on the same model, say whether the changes made make a statistically significant difference. * Save the Output Analyzer file as: OutAnalyzCompareQ1BASE&ALTdrg. ————————————————- ALL PARTS OF Q1 Arena file names: yournameIT630Q1BASE. doe & yournameIT630Q1ALT. doe & yournameOutAnalyzCompareBASE&ALT. dgr Place these three files into folder named: yourNameIT630InClassFinalExam. Warning: It is your responsibility to make sure that your files are present in your yourNameIT630InClassFinalExam folder and that they open properly.Question #2. Restaurant Arena model (25 points) ——â⠂¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- ————————————————- One customer at a time enters a restaurant according to an Exp(3) minutes distribution. [All time is in minutes. ] This is the lunchtime crowd that eats here between 11:30 am and 2:30 pm. ————————————————- ————————————————- Each customer waits Exp(5) for a table. At the table, the customer places an order which is sent from the customer to the kitchen.The kitchen takes Uniform(5. 5, 9. 5) to prepare the food and then it takes Exp(1. 5) for the lunch food to be sent from the kitchen to the customer’s table. Of course, th e food must match up with the particular customer who sent the order. Hint: Use a Separate module (and other associated modules) to accomplish this. ————————————————- ————————————————- When the order arrives to the customer who sent it, it takes the customer Uniform(12, 17) minutes to eat the meal.Then, the customer leaves the table and queues up at the single cashier where it takes the customer Expo(2. 5) to pay for the meal. The customer then leaves the restaurant. ————————————————- * ————————————————- The performance metrics of interest are the 95% Confidence Interval of the average length of time a customer spends in the system and the 95% Confidence Interval of the average number of customers leaving the system after they eat lunch. ————————————————- ————————————————-Run the model for 3 hours and make 20 replications. Report the performance metrics in a text-box on the model. Also, if necessary, note any assumptions you made on a text-box on the model. ————————————————- Arena file name: yournameIT630Q2. doe. Place file into folder: yourNameIT630InClassFinalExam. Warning: It is your responsibility to make sure that your file is present in your yourNameIT630InClassFinalExam folder and tha t it opens properly. ————————————————- ————————————————- ———————————————— ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————————————†”—————————————— ————————————————- ————————————————- END OF IN-CLASS PORTION OF FINAL EXAM ————————————————- You may leave when done. ————————————————-

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to write analytical report Essays

How to write analytical report Essays How to write analytical report Paper How to write analytical report Paper Essay Topic: Analytical There are various assignments that a student will face at college such as essay papers, term paper and research papers. Most students are familiar with that kind of papers and before going to college or university they had a decent experience with them. Those papers are the most common assignments at every college or university, yet they are quite challenging and hard to deal with. Among the variety of assignments there are also quite specific ones that differ from papers that students deal with every day. Considering the fact that every assignment has its own destination students should keep in mind that some assignments they will find extremely hard to complete as they all require of students to use different traits. Though, unlike term papers and research papers there is a paper called analytical report and it is as challenging as both of them. Students will rarely receive that kind of papers, however, that does not mean they should not be prepared to deal with it. How to write analytical report and what is it? An analytical report is a type of business report or study that recommends an action (or actions) to solve a problem. The report takes a problem, idea or issue and breaks it down into its component parts to examine how the parts fit together. These are most often assigned by teachers and professors to students who are majoring in business or other courses as a way to test and assess them. An analytical report is often used to study the feasibility of a project or action, such as determining whether or not it is cost effective to implement a solution or change to an existing project. It has become a great opportunity not just to assess the student but especially for students to see whether they are able to think strictly considering the facts and collate them with each other or not. Some people are not able to separate important things from unnecessary information and when dealing with analytical report it is one of the most crucial moments. However, even for the cleverest students it is hard to explain their decision showing the clear position. When writing Analytical reports, students should attempt to list all of the significant facts and details about what they are writing about (i.e. their topic) and should explain each significant aspect in as much detail as they can. Students need to use critical thinking to properly analyze various values and predict the outcome if certain events took place. Students should then assess any counter-argument or claim that can be made towards them and their analysis. They should make sure that their arguments are well supported by evidences and that their empirical data is relevant to the point they are trying to make. They should then summarize the entire report and make it as concise as possible. The research work done in analytical report is often not less than in research paper as students should be able to argue with every claim they face. Sometimes the mismatch of arguments is there because the sources of information seems unreliable to your opponent and you have to show your strong position with proof. While format should strictly be restricted to what your teacher tells you, when it comes to citation, it is best to stick with the Turabian style as that is the more commonly used one. Students can choose to deviate, but they should make sure all of their sources are cited. It is always best to let assignments such an analytical reports be handled by our writing service. Our team of sophisticated writers is extremely skilled when it comes to such reports as they have a long history of creating wonderful assignments with excellent content and original data. All our writers are not just experienced but they are all smart enough to summarize all facts, exclude unreliable information and shorten the report so you will receive all analysis in concise format. If you have no time on such impressive work but still you have to deliver it, make sure that you have our contacts as there is no better choice for you than ordering from our company. Pass your analytical report to one of our writers and forget about your problems. So if there is ever a need to make analytical reports, trust to get the job done.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Cap Nnaf Essay Example for Free

Cap Nnaf Essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA Mr. Raghunath was happy that Rahul showed keen interest in his business but was worried about Ram who would always spend time with computers. He felt that if the interest of the two sons be put together they could start a flourishing business of their own. The boom in the IT industry made him find ways to satisfy his son’s dream. After college, the twins were drifting apart due to varied interest. Mr. Raghunath decided that this is the time for him to intervene and make decisions for his sons. He decided to start a computer business for his sons. He asked Rahul, a commerce graduate to draw up a proposal for the same. Rahul came out with the following ideas: The area they lived on ad run shop consisted of middle income group families and many of them did not possess computers at home Their shop could provide the following services: * Computer classes for various age groups. * Computer using facilities on payment per hourly basis and printing of documents from computers. * Internet access facility at the prevailing market rates by entering into contract with AIRTEL. * Computer games corer for children Rajiv jumped at the idea and they made up a common proposal. Rajiv wanted that they purchase 10 computers and start with first two areas of operation and expand when things go well. The shop they had at the market place was a single storey building. Their father offered to build the first floor and give it to them for their business. He spent `5,00,000 on construction of the facility and gave them `5,00,000 for the business. The sons went to bank and put up their proposal and managed to get a loan to the extent of 75% of the cost of computers ` 4,00,000 with printers. As the bank manager was aware of the credit worthiness of Mr. Raghunath, he advanced loan of `3,00,000. Total amount to be repaid will be `3,60,000 including interest in three annual installments as follows: * End of the first year = ` 1,30,000 * End of the 2nd year = ` 1,20,000 * End of the 3rd year = ` 1,10,000 (Where ` 1, 00,000 is the principal repayment) They started business on 1st April 2010. Rahul decided to deposit ` 4, 40,000 in the bank. He gave ` 1, 00,000 to computer company as 25% of the value of computers purchased and ` 3, 00,000 out of bank loan availed. He deposited ` 20,000 for electrical connection with the Electricity Board. He paid deposit of ` 1, 00,000 with AIRTEL for Internet connection. He used the telephone connection of the shop as there were two connections at the shop. The brothers got the computer cafe furnished by paying ` 50,000. Rahul got pamphlets printed and distributed at the cost of ` 4,500 in the surrounding colonies. All payments were to be made by cheques. All the receipts were in cash to be deposited in the bank on the same day. The students on the average paid a monthly fee of ` 500 for the three months computer evening classes. There were a number of internet subscribers and receipts on account of internet facility was ` 10,000 a month in the first quarter on an average. They decided to buy and sell computer stationery also like floppy, discs, CDs etc. At the end of the financial year, their results showed the following: | `| Total revenue including sale of computer stationery| 4,98,000| Purchase of computer stationery| 55,000| Electricity charges yet to be paid| 1,24,000| Telephone charges| 34,000| Petty expenses| 12,000| Entertainment expenses| 10,000| Maintenance expenses| 10,000| There was a helper at their father’s shop, who agreed to clean up the computer cafe and fetched water to various visitors. For the additional services, he was paid ` 500 per month. They withdrew `. 3, 000 by cheque each month for their personal expenses. They paid bank loan regularly. The father was pleased at their son’s efficiency. He wanted to expand business. Mean while Rahul received the pass book statement (for the end of March 2011) which showed the transactions as follows: Particulars| Deposit| Withdrawal | Balance `| Balance as on 1 march 2011| | | 4,76,500 CR| Fees remitted direct into business account. | 50,000| | 5,26,500 CR| Bank charges| | 500| 5,26,000 CR| Withdrawal by cheque no†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦| | 6,000| 5,20,000 CR| Payment by cheque no†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. | | 6,000| 5,14,000 CR| Interest credited| 2,000| | 5,16,000 CR| Balance as on 31 march 2011| | | 5,16,000 (CR)| 1. Analyze the transactions and explain the rules applied as per double entry system of bookkeeping. 2. Journalize the above transactions. Post them into the ledgers and prepare trial balance. 3. Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement and make necessary adjustment in the books of account. 4. Prepare Profit and Loss account and Balance Sheet. 5. Charge depreciation @25% on computers, @10% on furniture, 5% on buildings. 6. Paisa can be rounded off. 7. What are the basic assumptions and concepts applied by Rahul while preparing the above statements? 8. Calculate profitability ratios. 9. They approached bank for further loan. Compute the ratios the banker will require before granting the loan. 10. Comment on the efficiency of the business if the net profit and gross profit in similar type of business concerns are 20% and 50% respectively. —————————————— Cap Nnaf. (2018, Oct 17).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The reason why Nike should not sponsor Tiger Woods Essay

The reason why Nike should not sponsor Tiger Woods - Essay Example Nike’s relationship with Tiger Woods can tarnish the company’s name, as this will depict to the public that it supports the drama that surrounds the golfer (Knittel & Stango, 2010). Most companies sponsor athletes for the sake of advertisement, promote the company’s image, and portray an excellent reputation on behalf of these companies, but Woods had proved otherwise, and most companies do not want to be associated with his persona. This also calls for Nike to take precautions and cease sponsoring him just for the sake of the company’s name and reputation. For Nike to support or be involved with Woods in any way, he should prove to be an outstanding representative of the company values. That is not the case as Woods has since been involved in several scandals including; being a reckless driver and being involved in extramarital affairs and this has damaged his reputation in the public. These values portrayed by Woods are dreadfully unacceptable and are against the values and norms of any reputable company such as Nike, and any relationship with him could jeopardize the outstanding reputation and name of Nike in the public. The losses that Nike is likely to incur if it decides to sponsor Woods would be extremely widespread considering the fact that Nike is a large company; hence, Nike should avoid him at all costs. Woods has proved to be incurring large amounts of loses since the ruin of his reputation, so there is no need to promote someone whose performance and earnings are moving at a downwards trend. In addition, since a larger percentage of Wood’s income is from endorsements, this means that those companies involved with him are likely to be victims of his losses since it is estimated that Woods’s scandal stock market effect, is on both their competitors and sponsors, as well. Nike sponsoring Woods is extremely risky as